Temporary Residence for Employment

Temporary Residence for Employment

A foreigner can work in Montenegro on the basis of a temporary residence and work permit or work registration certificate, unless otherwise provided by the law.

Temporary Residence for Employment

A foreigner can perform in Montenegro only those activities that the temporary residence and work permit or work registration certificate was issued for, and only for the employer who employs him/her.


The temporary residence and work permit for the employment and seasonal employment shall be issued to a foreigner who meets the following requirements:

  • has means of subsistence;
  • has provided accommodation;
  • has health insurance;
  • has submitted evidence justifying of the application for a permit issuance.
  • has a valid foreign travel document or identity card issued by the competent authority of another state;
  • was not imposed a prohibition on entry and residence in Montenegro;
  • in Montenegro has not been legally sentenced to an imprisonment of more than six months for a criminal offense prosecuted ex officio, or the legal consequences of a conviction ceased;
  • in the country of origin has not been legally sentenced to an imprisonment of more than six months for a criminal offense prosecuted ex officio, or the legal consequences of a conviction ceased;
  • there are no restrictions due to the reasons of national security, public order or public health;
  • she has submitted evidence of justifying the application for a permit issuance

A proof of the justification of an application:

Apart from the requirements above, the applicant submits the following as a proof of the justification of an application:

1) a written offer of the employer for hiring a foreigner on a particular work position;
2) a proof of the acquired level of education and qualification;
3) a proof of good health

If you believe a company in Montenegro can help you in your business, please ask for details. We will be happy to advise.

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