Why Register A Company In Montenegro

Why Register A Company In Montenegro

Why Register A Company In Montenegro

For people wanting to start a new business, Montenegro is a smart choice.

Montenegro offers great tax incentives due to its favourable tax regime and its wide network of double tax treaties.

  • Currency : EUR
  • Government : republic
  • Unemployment rate : 14.70%

    tax in montenegro

    tax in montenegro

  • Corporate income tax : 9%
  • VAT (basic rate): 19%
  • VAT (decreased rate): 7%
  • Tax return : yearly
  • Dividend tax : 9%
  • Types of company: Limited liability company, Joint-stock company
  • Registered capital : Limited liability company, 1 EUR, Joint-stock company, 25000 EUR
  • Incorporation process duration : 7 – 14

These tax incentives together with so many other incentives offered by Montenegro, render Montenegro the ultimate international business centre of our planet!

Investors may freely transfer money into Montenegro, and freely transfer money out of Montenegro, without restrictions.

Montenegro offers a basket of incentives including the low tax on the net profits and the

Consultant Services Montenegro

Consultant Services Montenegro

double tax treaties.

We will guide you through the process of registering your company and establishing your registered identity.

Complete and submit our application form online.

In providing this information, it is our prime intention to contribute to the effort of Montenegro to become an even more successful international business centre for the benefit of foreign investors and to the Montenegro economy.

If you need some more info, e-mail us selecta.me@gmail.com 

Mob: 00382 69 590 433


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